Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Wiki
Samwise Gamgee
The Lord of the Rings (film series) - Samwise Gamgee
Vital statistics
Birth TA 2976
Death Early-Fourth Age
Age 102
Fate Sailed west to the Undying Lands to see Frodo
Parentage Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Spouse Unknown
Children Unknown
Physical attributes
Hair color Blondish-brown
Eye color Brown
Gender Male
Weapon Dagger of Westernesse
Race Hobbit
Actor Sean Astin

Samwise Gamgee, nicknamed Sam, was Frodo Baggins' friend and the only original member of the Fellowship of the Ring to remain with him till the very end of the journey to Mount Doom. After his quest, he married Rosie Cotton and had thirteen children.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • The character is portrayed by actor Sean Astin in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
  • In the books, Samwise Gamgee was born in TA 2980, and was twelve years younger than Frodo. In the film trilogy, he is born in TA 2976, and is two years older than Frodo.

